DevDay '21

Learn how to add security to your apps, APIs, and infrastructure so you can spend less time on auth and more time on everything else.

Our theme this year is Build the Future of Identity with Us. Join us for a day of celebrating developers around the world while learning how identity empowers builders of all kinds to innovate. We hope you can join us!


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Welcome to Developer Day! Build the Future of Identity with Us

Alyssa Miller
Alyssa MillerHacker, Researcher, Security Advocate, and Business Information Security Officer (BISO)S&P Global
Ali Spivak
Ali SpivakSenior Director, Developer RelationsOkta
Sam Julien
Sam JulienHead of Developer MarketingAuth0
Matias Woloski
Matias WoloskiCo-founder and CTOAuth0
Eugenio Pace
Eugenio PaceCo-founder and CEOAuth0

We'll kick off Developer Day by celebrating developers like you building for the web, mobile, cloud infrastructure, and everywhere else code runs around the world.

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Traveling Through a Secure API with Python and Auth0

Jessica Temporal
Jessica TemporalSenior Developer AdvocateOkta

I like to remember the places I have been, and I always liked the idea of having a map of those places, so as any developer would do, I built a web application for that.

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Auth for IOT: Securing Your Smart Home

Heather Downing
Heather DowningPrincipal Developer AdvocateOkta

The world of IoT (Internet of Things) has so many options to choose from but very little guidance about how secure they are and how you, as a developer, can prevent unauthorized access. In this session, we will go over what you can do with existing platforms like Alexa and roll your DIY projects to lock down who can use them - YOU.

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OAuth: Past, Present, and Future

Aaron Parecki
Aaron PareckiSecurity Architect Group ManagerOkta
Vittorio Bertocci
Vittorio BertocciPrincipal ArchitectAuth0

OAuth is the foundation of most modern online security, used everywhere from signing in to mobile apps to protecting your bank accounts. Despite its ubiquity, there are still many misconceptions about OAuth and OpenID Connect in the wild.

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Authenticating Your Next(js) Jamstack App with Auth0


The recently released Auth0 Next.js SDK makes authenticating Next.js apps quick and seamless. We'll go through setting up the SDK to authenticate and protect your routes. Everything is online now, so it's important to keep your application safe, secure, and up-to-date on authentication standards. Let me show you how.

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Inclusive Digital Identity and Web Monetization for Earning Online

Uchi Uchibeke
Uchi UchibekeDirector of Developer RelationsCoil

Digital IDs controlled by the users enable users to seamlessly onboard to any web app or platform. With Web Monetization, users can earn and spend freely from their digital Identity connected wallets. This talk with highlight two open standards, the Verifiable Credential Standard and the Web Monetization Standard, and show how developers can build with them today.

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Seamlessly Integrate Identity Into Your APIs with Okta and Kong

Bharat Bhat
Bharat BhatMarketing Lead, Developer RelationsOkta
Vik Gamov
Vik GamovPrincipal Developer AdvocateKong
Mike Bilodeau
Mike BilodeauProduct Marketing, Corp DevKong

Learn how to implement powerful new authentication and authorization scenarios with Kong and Okta. In this demo-heavy session, we will show you how to do sophisticated API access, and API management flows with OIDC and OAuth - including how to plug in Identity into your CI/CD pipelines.

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Shift-Left DevOps for Your APIs with Okta and JFrog

Jeff Taylor
Jeff TaylorSenior Product Manager, Developer ExperienceOkta
Jeff Fry
Jeff FrySenior Technical Alliances ManagerJFrog

With Okta and JFrog, strengthen your shift-left DevSecOps strategy by validating the security of your application's REST API endpoints before you release it to production and your customers. Learn how you can use Okta and JFrog to automate the validation of your authentication and authorization policies for your REST APIs.

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OAuth for Game and XR Developers

Nick Gamb
Nick GambSenior Developer AdvocateOkta

This talk will dive deep into how game and XR developers can balance experience and security using the security best practice standard OAuth. We will discuss the basics of OAuth, designing experiences for different target platforms, and using a player's authorization to interact with other cloud-based backend solutions.

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Secure Authentication In Your Web Apps

Milecia McGregor
Milecia McGregorSenior Software EngineerMediavine

OAuth defines several grant types, but some are more secure than others. In this talk, we'll go over how you can add more security to your applications using PKCE. You'll learn how this builds off of the Authorization Code grant type, and we'll go through a live demo of implementing PKCE in an application.

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Closing Keynote with Cassidy Williams

Cassidy Williams
Cassidy WilliamsStartup advisor, Investor, Meme-creator, and EngineerNetlify

Join us for an exciting afternoon keynote to close out our first annual Developer Day with Cassidy Williams.